Sai Ram, All,
For another amazing Bhajan experience this Sunday (28 November), please log on using the details given below, from 08:45 hours :
Meeting ID: 810 3186 8422
Passcode: SaiRam108
Spiritual Matters
Summer Showers 1990 is here! The Course in Indian Culture and Spirituality was held in Brindavan for 15 days in 1990. Only the then current and former students of SSSIHL were chosen to attend the course. We can attend it now, over eight Sessions, from 19 January to 27 April ! Bhagawan lovingly guides us step by step on a journey of realisation from outward to inward; from the importance of the body, through to the role of the senses and the connection to the mind, and ultimately to knowing the real self.
Please see below for how to register. We are delighted to say that Anil from our Centre, and Aranee Navaratnam from Luton will be the Facilitators for our Region. Well done to both of them !
If you would like to become a Facilitator, please contact Anil, at [email protected]
Annual General Meeting
This is Advance Notice that our Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 16 January 2022. Each of the five Wing Coordinators and the Treasurer will be presenting Reports, covering the past year’s Activities.