We wish everyone a Very Happy, Safe and Prosperous New Year !
For a stunning Bhajan experience this Sunday (2 January), please log on using the details given below, from 08:45 hours :
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81031868422?pwd=TllkUlVLajR5djRod05mMVJuNzNrQT09Meeting ID: 810 3186 8422Passcode: SaiRam108
Study CircleFor our first study circle of the year 2022, we will play a video recording of a talk by Mrs Geetha Mohan Ram followed by reflections and perspectives from participants.
Topic: Lessons at the Lotus Feet
Please join us at 7:00 p.m. on Monday 3 January 2022, using the link below:Online Study Circle joining details belhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/81352550462?pwd=YlVudHNHSCtpeDQvMHAvR0hLRmtYUT09
Meeting ID: 813 5255 0462
Passcode: SaiRam108
The Annual Newsletter from ‘Something Beautiful for GOD’.
Dear Friends,
Sai Ram to you!
We are going through a period of darkness and uncertainty. That should not deter us from hope.
The birth of the child Jesus brought us the hope that we are all longing for. HE will look after us with his divine love. The quote below from SWAMI explains it clearly.
SWAMI says” Jesus, was a person, whose only joy was spreading Divine Love, Offering Divine Love, Receiving Divine Love, and Living as Divine Love”.
This resonates with the same message from SWAMI who says” Why fear when I am here!”
Talking of Love, this message is what we have taken aboard with our work “Something Beautiful for GOD” all these years.
Through our love for SWAMI, we continue to knit and sew new garments for our less fortunate brothers and sisters. As there was no overseas travel this year, we were not able to send them abroad. But what we did instead was, we gave the gifts of your love to the Missionaries of Charity (founded, by Mother Teresa) to be distributed locally – mainly to single parents and to women fleeing from domestic violence. The Sisters have a small hostel in Bravington Road, Notting Hill where they house the women temporarily until they get a permanent place to stay, and receive financial assistance from the Government.
Our next ongoing work is collecting gifts to commemorate SWAMI’s Birthday. This has been going on for over 25 years. Each year we collect new woolen scarves to be distributed to the homeless via CRISIS. We set an annual target based on SWAMI’s age – this year it was 96. We received a staggering 221 gifts!! When I mentioned this to a friend, she was overjoyed by this achievement. SWAMI has not only accepted these gifts but in return HE has blessed us and the recipients with immeasurable joy. SWAMI, thank you for giving us this opportunity to serve you.
The above would not have been possible without your kind generosity and love for SWAMI. A massive thank you to each and every one of you. THANK YOU! With various obstacles due to COVID, you were yet determined to serve SWAMI, going through various innovative ways to ensure that the gifts got to Mr & Mrs. Patel on time. This is what SWAMI would say was ‘love in action’.
On Christmas morning, the gifts, all beautifully-wrapped, were opened by our friends. Can you imagine the surprise and joy when the parcels were unwrapped? Their feeling of being loved and remembered couldn’t be put into words.
Swami has taught us the importance of serving fellow humans. HIS message is unfolding through our seva.
Let us pray that HE continues to give us the opportunity to serve HIM, and to be HIS humble seva dals.
During these dark days let us continue to focus our attention and pray to SWAMI for guidance and blessings. Let us pray for the whole world- let everyone be happy and be at peace. Lord Buddha said “everything will pass” including now COVID.
We pray that you and your loved ones had a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year. Stay safe and look after yourselves.
With Sai Love,
Kumar Kathiramalai
Annual General MeetingAs mentioned some weeks ago, our AGM will be on Sunday 16 January 2022, from 09:00 to 10:30 a.m.
The Agenda will be as follows:
- Vedam & Prayers
- Welcome (STN)
- Apologies
- Reports from Wing Coordinators, with Questions from the floor
- – Spiritual (AS); Service (GM); SSE (SM); Ladies’ (NG & SB); Outreach (RF).
- Treasurer’s Report (KG)
- Any Questions of a General Nature (i.e. not Wing-related)
- Conclusion (SP)
- Date of Next AGM : 8 January 2023
- Closing Prayers
In Sai Service, the Office-Bearer Team, Milton Keynes,The Sai Centre of Innovation!