Sai Ram, Everyone,
For a tuneful Bhajan experience this Sunday (13 February), please log on using the details given below, from 08:45 hours :
Meeting ID: 810 3186 8422Passcode: SaiRam108
Service MattersWe are delighted to say that 26 Dignity Bags destined for Syria have been donated by the devotees of our Sai Centre. Our gratitude to all concerned, and a special thanks to our Kesan for taking on the job of procuring all the items, so that they are uniform and provide the best value for money.
Spiritual MattersMahashivarathri Celebrations on 1 March 2022! Tune in on Sunday to hear the latest.
Stay safe, Everyone!
In Sai Service, the Office-Bearer Team, Milton Keynes,The Sai Centre of Innovation !