Sai Ram, All,
For a delightful Bhajan experience this Sunday (12 December), please log on using the details given below, from 08:45 hours : ID: 810 3186 8422Passcode: SaiRam108
Hygiene Packs for Afghan EvacueesWith thanks to Vani Moodley and Godfrey, our Seva Coordinator, a total of 66 Ladies’ and 62 Gents’ Hygiene Packs, donated by four families, were delivered to the Afghan Evacuees in Milton Keynes.
Christmas Celebration!Next Sunday (19 December), there will be an exciting Bhajan Programme to celebrate Christmas. We look forward to seeing everyone there (on line!).
In Sai Service, the Office-Bearer Team, Milton Keynes,The Sai Centre of Innovation!