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Love All, Serve All.

"Start the day with love; fill the day with love; spend the day with love; end the day with love—this is the way to God”.  “Love is the source; love is the path; and love is the goal”.  “The best way to love God is to love all; serve all"

Service Wing

Love ALL, Serve ALL’, is Sai Baba’s primary teaching which we endeavour to follow in all our Activities. We undertake a number of Service Activities throughout the year, helping wherever we can, both locally and abroad. Sevadal is a Sanskrit word meaning someone who undertakes Selfless Service, and to this end we have The Brigade of Sevadals!

Join The Brigade of Sevadals !

For those who are keen on Community Service, we append below the link to enlist with the Seva Brigade! The enlisting procedure doesn’t take long, and will ensure that we have a valuable database of warm-hearted, selfless people who are willing to give of their time and expertise for the welfare of others.

Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) Wing

Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) is a structured programme that enables the blossoming of excellence in children, with the inherent five Human Values (Truth, Love, Peace, Right Conduct and Non-Violence) as its foundation.

‘The end of Education is Character'

- Sathya Sai Baba.

Spiritual Wing

The Spiritual Wing is an integral part of the Sri Sathya Sai Organization. The primary objective of this Wing is to facilitate devotees’ spiritual progress based on Swami’s teachings by conducting spiritual activities in accordance with the Organisation’s guidelines.

Ladies' Wing

Sri Sathya Sai Baba started the Mahila Vibhag (Women’s Wing) of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization, India in 1969.

“Woman is not meant to surpass man nor to be trampled underfoot. She should stand as his equal, not merely to nurse him but also as his companion in his joys and sorrows in life! People call women weak. Do not believe it. Having all these strong points in your favour - intelligence, discipline, spiritual capacity, consciousness of others’ excellence, awareness of one’s faults, eagerness to improve yourself - how can you be called weak? You are the leaders!” ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba


If women are given due recognition they will shine with brilliance in all fields and will serve the house, country, and the entire world gloriously, contributing to the welfare of the entire humanity.


“Women have proved throughout the centuries in Indian history that they have the courage, the vision, and the intelligence needed to dive into the depths of spiritual science and discipline.”- Baba


Women are embodiments of selfless love, tenderness, kindness, and self-sacrifice, selflessly serving their family as well as others’ needs. Women are the heirs of our ancient culture. These hidden powers have the capacity to transform not only their homes, but their work environments and the wider community.

Swami lovingly blessed Mahilas with many challenging opportunities and responsibilities in the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization (SSSSO) at National and International level. Mahilas form an integral part of the SSSSO.  They are powerful and sometimes silent torch-bearers of Bhagwan’s mission of ‘Love All, Serve All’.


Mahila Day (19th of November)

Bhagavan initiated several programmes for the education and welfare of women thereby underlining the importance of their role in society and building virtues in the nation.

Swami blessed Mahilas to observe 19 November as Mahila Day (Ladies’ Day), to spend their valuable time in a sacred manner. Most of the Samithis across the nation observe “Mahila Day” on the 19th of every month by conducting various spiritual, educational and social service activities. The first Ladies’ Day was celebrated at Prasanthi Nilayam on 19 November 1965.


Baba declared : ‘Ladies’ Day should be observed every year: If the nation has to prosper, improvement must start with the parents. Without peace and harmony at home, there can be no peace in the nation. The message should be propagated throughout the country on every November 19th, by observing it as Ladies’ Day. You should teach people how to run their homes well and how to bring up children along the right lines. You must deal calmly and tactfully with the men, if they are not cooperating.


Today is a sacred day dedicated to women, they should change themselves and help to change the men and the children. They should develop the quantities of sympathy, compassion, love and sacrifice. Study the lives of our great women, who were models of patience, fortitude, compassion and sacrifice. I desire that you should take up the reins of leadership and bring peace and prosperity to the nation by leading ideal lives’.


Milton Keynes Sai Centre Ladies’ Wing 


After the disruption due to COVID-19, the Ladies’ Wing was re-established in June 2021.Team Meetings were arranged to plan for the Ladies’ Day Celebrations in November 2021. The first Ladies’ Wing Meeting in this tenure was held on 17th October 2021, and was well-attended. We had several new, keen Members signing up! Members were very enthusiastic and gave valuable suggestions and ideas for activities of the Ladies’ Wing.

Ladies’ Day 2021 was celebrated on 21st November 2021, and revolved round the theme ‘Our Loving Mother Sai’.

The Celebrations began with an engaging, inspiring YouTube video on ‘Our Loving Mother Sai’, aired before 21 November. At the Celebrations, Bhajans were sung by our lovely Sai Sisters, the Youth, and children, on the feminine aspects of divinity. A Study Circle on the above theme was conducted. Tapovanam Readings were  beautifully presented by the Ladies in the days running up to 21 November.


Future Plans

We intend to organise Vedam Chanting Classes as a result of many requests from the Ladies, with the help of Gurus who are well-versed in this subject. We intend to institute  Planning Meetings with volunteers every month, to organise Ladies’ Wing Events. There are plans to involve ladies in presenting Baba’s discourses on ‘The Role of Women’, through the Ladies’ Wing WhatsApp Group. We aim to hold Ladies’ Wing Meetings every Quarter, and encourage ladies to undertake Seva activities through our Sai Centre, and through Age Concern.

Outreach Wing

The Outreach Wing of the Milton Keynes Sai Centre connects with and embraces all faiths in Milton Keynes and surrounding areas. We attend and take part in the monthly Meetings and events organised by InterFaith Milton Keynes. A major event is the Multi-Faith Service which takes place annually. At our own Centre, we organise an Akhanda Bhajan every November, where we invite various faith groups to contribute devotional songs. These are put together in a continuous string, and played to promote world peace. We have organised mini-Conferences to bring together the different faiths, to enhance knowledge and contribute to the harmony that we are blessed with in our city.


We are His instruments

Unity is the secret of social progress, and service to society is the means to promote it. - Sai Baba

Love must express itself as Service.

“Do not believe that you can, by means of service, reform or reshape the world. You may or may not; that does not matter. The real value of service, its most visible result, is that it reforms you, reshapes you. Do service as a spiritual discipline; then you will be humble and happy.” -Sai Baba